Sam Smith confirmó su romance con actor de "13 Reasons Why"

En medio de los fuertes rumores, el cantante británico Sam Smith confirmó su romance con el actor Brandon Flynn, protagonista de serie de Netflix “13 Reasons Why”.

Lo hizo en el programa de Ellen DeGeneres donde detalló que ya no está soltero y que las fotos donde se lo ve a los besos y mimos por las calles de Nueva York con Flynn, son reales.


“Ya no estás soltero, ¿verdad?”, preguntó la presentadora. “No, no lo estoy, lo cual es una locura”, lanzó Smith y luego detalló: “Es extraño sacar un álbum y no estar soltero. Porque cuando saqué In The Lonely Hour me sentía tan solo. Pero ahora estoy cantando canciones sobre otro chico“.

La relación entre Sam y Brandon salió a la luz luego de que el actor de 13 Reasons Why revelara su homosexualidad en Instagram.


Just saw the "vote no" message in the sky, looming over Sydney. Thank you for raising money and hiring on a plane to write your lack of support amongst the clouds. I hope your hate and lack of understanding fades, just like those words will. Too many of my friends have been kicked out of their homes, kept in the closet, beat up, killed, ridiculed by church and state, institutionalized... and you are scared that if we vote YES, you won't be able to show your hate for Us. Fuck that. We've been scared shitless our whole lives thanks to all the stigmas that surround Us, stigmas that were set in place by the same kind of people who flew that plane over Sydney. We've fought, we've come out bravely even in our fear, and you wrote a message in the sky because you're scared. Equality takes courage, it worries me that too many people in this world lack the balls to stand up for what is right. #fuckhate

Una publicación compartida de Brandon Flynn (@flynnagin11) el